Republic of the Philippines - Stamps and Postal History

Philippine Philatelic Library





Originally published in the Nov-Dec 1959 issue of the Philippine Journal of Philately.



Postal Rates of the Philippines as of 1959



FIRST CLASS.  Includes letters, postal cards, and all other matter wholly or partly in writing (except as specially provided), or which is sealed or otherwise closed against inspection. Typewriting and carbon and letter press copies or manifold copies thereof are equivalent of hand-writing. Completed forms, reports, etc.,  partly printed, and partly written, whether sealed or unsealed, are first-class matter.


Limit of weight:  5, 10 or 20 kilos, according to weight limit of domestic mail authorized for office of mailing (see Circular-No. 10, series of 1950, and subsequent ones).


Limit of size:  70 inches, length and girth combined.


Postage rate:  (except postal cards and post cards) - P0.06 for each 20 grams or fraction thereof, irrespective of the place of delivery


POSTAL CARDS AND PRIVATE MAILING CARDS (POST CARDS).  A post card is an unfolded piece of cardboard. It shall, in form and in quality, and weight of paper be substantially the same as the government postal card. It may be of any color not interfering with a legible address.


Limit of size: Maximum, 14 by 9 centimeters;  Minimum, 10 by 7 centimeters.


Postage rate:  P0.03 for each card.


SECOND-CLASS.  Includes all newspapers and other publications registered as second-class mail matter in the Bureau of Posts.


Limit of weight:  5, 10 or 20 kilos each package, according to weight limit of domestic mail authorized for office of mailing (see Circular No. 10, series of 1950, and subsequent ones).


Limit of size:  9 by 12 inches when folded.


Postage rate:

(a) On the portion of the publication devoted to matter other than advertisements, P0.04 for each kilo or fraction thereof;


(b) On the portion of the publication devoted to advertisements, P0.06 for each half kilo or fraction thereof. Provided, that where the space devoted to advertisements does not exceed 5% of the total space, the rate shall be the same as if the whole of the publication is devoted to matter other than advertisements.


THIRD-CLASS.  Includes all matter not declared non-mailable by law or regulation, the same not being included in the first or second class.


Reproductions or imitations of handwriting or type writing, obtained by means of the printing press, mimeograph, or other similar mechanical process, may be accepted at the third-class rate if mailed at the post-office window in a minimum number of 20 identical unsealed copies either separately or in bulk package and not in the nature of personal correspondence. Such reproductions or imitations, clearly recognizable as such, which are not in the form of circular letters but bound in pamphlet or book form, may also be accepted as third-class matter regardless of the number of copies mailed. If not mailed under these conditions, such reproductions or imitations are subject to the first-class rate.


A printed letter (circular) is charged at the third-class rate even if it bears handwritten or typewritten date, name and address of person addressed and sender, and corrections of more typographical errors. But when a name (other than that of the addressee or sender), date (other than that of the circular), or anything else is handwritten or typewritten in the body of the circular for any purpose other than to correct a genuine typographical error, it is subject to the first-class rate, whether sealed or unsealed.


Limit of weight:  5, 10 or 20 kilos, according to weight limit of domestic mail authorized for office of mailing (see Circular No. 10, series of 1950, and subsequent ones).


Limit of size:  83 inches, length and girth combined.


Postage rate:  P0.05 for each 60 grams or fraction thereof, for an article not exceeding 600 grams in weight; and P0.25 for each half kilo or fraction thereof, for an article exceeding 600 grams in weight.


However, the rate on books consisting wholly of reading matter and containing no advertising matter other than incidental announcements of books shall be P0.10 per half kilo or fraction thereof for each package, irrespective of the place of delivery, provided that the regular rate for third class shall apply in every case where said rate is lower and provided further that the package does not exceed five kilos in weight, otherwise it shall be charged at the regular third class rate.




Limit of weight:  Letters and parcels sent by airmail shall not exceed 5 kilos in weight.


Limit of size:  Same as that prescribed for the class of matter to which the airmail article belongs.


Postage rate:  P0.30 for every 20 grams or fraction thereof (This airmail charge includes postage.)


REGISTRATION FEE.   P0.20 for each article, in addition to ordinary postage.


SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE:   The charge for special delivery service is P0.20 for each addressed piece of mail matter, in addition to the ordinary postage. Special-delivery matter shall be plainly marked on the address side with the words "Special-Delivery."




Including the United States and It's Possessions, but excluding Spain



LETTERS.  Include hand and typewritten and letter-press copies or manifold copies thereof.


Limit of weight:  2 kilos.


Limit of size:  Maximum - length, width, and thickness combined, 90 centimeters, but greatest dimension is 60 centimeters. In rolls: length plus twice the diameter, 100 centimeters; but greatest dimension, 80 centimeters.


Minimum - having a surface measuring not less than 10 by 7 centimeters. In rolls: length plus twice the diameter, 17 centimeters; but greatest dimension not less than 10 centimeters. Items of less size may be admitted provided they bear a rectangular address label of cardboard or strong paper of which the two adjacent sides measure not less than 16 centimeters and the smaller side is not less than 4 centimeters.


Postage rate:  P0.25 for the first. 20 grams or less, and P0.15 for each additional 20 grams or fraction thereof.


POST CARDS.  Shall be made of cardboard or of paper strong enough not to impede the handling. They shall be sent unenclosed, that is, without wrapper or envelope. Post cards shall bear, at the top of the address side, the heading "Carte Postale" (Post Card), in French or the equivalent in another language. This heading is not obligatory for cards of private manufacture. Post cards with reply paid shall have on the address side, in French, as heading on the first half, the words "Carte Postale avec reponse payee" (Post card with reply paid); on the second half, "Carte Postale Reponse" (Reply post card). Each of the two halves should meet the other conditions laid down for single post cards; they are folded, one over the other, in such a manner that the fold forms the upper edge, and they cannot be sealed in any manner.


Limit of size:  Maximum, 15 by 10.5 centimeters; and minimum, 10 by 7 centimeters.


Postage rate:  P0.15 for single cards, and P0.30 for reply-paid cards.


PRINTED MATTER.   Includes newspapers and periodicals, books, pamphlets, sheets of music, visiting cards, address cards, printing proofs, engravings, photographs, and albums containing photographs, pictures, drawings, plans, maps, patterns to be cut out, catalogs, prospectuses, advertisements, and printed, engraved, lithographed, mimeographed, or photographed notices of various kinds, and, in general, all impressions or reproductions obtained on paper or other material similar to paper, parchment, or cardboard, by means of printing, engraving, lithography, mimeography, and photography, or any other easily recognizable mechanical process; however, reproductions obtained by means of the copying press, stamps with movable or immovable type, and the typewriter are not considered as prints.


Reproductions by a mechanical process of polygraphy, chromography, etc., of a manuscript or typewritten original are treated as prints, provided they are mailed at the post office window in a minimum number of 20 separately addressed articles.


The print rate is not applicable to prints which bear any marks susceptible of constituting a conventional language or aside from the exceptions specifically authorized, to those whose text was changed after printing.


Films, phonograph records, as well as perforated papers intended to be used on automatic musical instruments, are not accepted at the print rate. The same holds true for articles of stationery properly so called, when it appears clear that the printed text is not the essential part of the article.


Limit of weight:  3 kilos, except books the limit for which is 5 kilos; and raised prints for the blind, 7 kilos.


Limit of size:  Same as letters.


Postage rate:  P0.10 for the first 50 grams or less and P0.05 for each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof.  Raised prints for the P0.05 for each 500 grams or fraction thereof.


The rate of postage for second class newspapers and periodicals published in the Philippines, addressed to foreign countries, except Spain, shall be 5 centavos for the first 50 grams or less and 3 centavos for each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof.


COMMERCIAL PAPERS.  The following are considered as commercial papers, on condition that they do not have the character of actual and personal correspondence: all papers and documents wholly or partly written or drawn, such as out-of-date articles of correspondence (opened letters and post cards), which have already reached their original destination, and copies thereof; papers of legal procedure; documents of all kinds drawn up by ministerial officers; waybills or bills of lading; , invoices; certain documents of insurance companies; copies or extracts from documents under private seal, written on stamped or unstamped paper; scores or sheets of music in manuscript; manuscripts of books or newspapers sent separately; original and corrected exercises of students, but without any notes not relating directly to the execution of the work.


Such documents may be accompanied by reference slips or memorandum bearing the following indications or similar notations: enumeration of the pieces composing the shipment references to correspondence exchanged between the sender and addressee, such as: Annexe a notre lettre du . . . a M . . . Notre reference . . . Reference du client ... (Enclosure to our letter of . . . addressed to M. . . Our reference . . . Customer's reference . . .).


Out-of-date correspondence may bear canceled postage stamps or postage-paid impressions which served as its original prepayment.


The following are also considered as commercial papers, even when they have the character of actual and personal correspondence: all articles containing correspondence exchanged between school students, on condition that such articles are sent through the intermediary of the heads of the schools concerned.


Limit of weight:  2 kilos.


Limit of size:  Same as letters.


Postage rate:  P0.10 for the first 50 grams or less and P0.05 for each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof. Minimum charge; P0.25.


SAMPLES OF MERCHANDISE.   These should not contain any article having a salable value. The following are accepted at the sample rate: electrotypes, single cut-out patterns, single keys, fresh-cut flowers, objects of natural history (dried or preserved animals and plants, geological specimens, etc.) tubes of serum or vaccine, urgently needed medicaments which are difficult to obtain. Such objects, with the exception of tubes of serum and vaccine and urgently needed medicaments which are difficult to obtain, sent in the general interest by officially recognized laboratories or institutions, cannot be sent for commercial purposes. Their packing must conform to the general provisions concerning samples of merchandise.


Limit of weight:  500 grams.


Limit o f size:  Same as letters.


Postage rate: P0.10 for the first 50 grams or less and P0.05 for each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof. Minimum charge: P0.25.


SMALL PACKETS.  Small packets must bear on the address side, in conspicuous characters, the notation "Petit paquet" (Small packet) or its equivalent in a language known in the country of destination. They are subject to the provisions prescribed for samples of merchandise insofar as the preparation and packing are concerned.


It is permissible to enclose therein an open invoice, reduced to its essential terms, as well as a simple copy of the address of the article with indication of the address of the sender.


The names and addresses of the senders must appear on the outside of the packets.


Limit of weight:  1 kilo.


Limit of size:  Same as letters.


Postage rate:  P0.10 for each 50 grams or fraction thereof. Minimum charge: P0.50.


NOTE:  Packages of samples of merchandise, commercial papers, printed matter, and small packets shall not contain any letter or manuscript note in the nature of an actual and personal correspondence, and shall be so packed or wrapped in such a manner as to admit of easy examination or inspection by postal and customs officials.


Registry Fee.  P0.30 for each article, in addition to the ordinary postage. Letters, post cards, printed matter, samples of merchandise, commercial papers, and small packets may be accepted for registration.


Registry return receipt fee:


(a) Requested at time of mailing: P0.30.

(b) Requested after mailing:  P0.40.


Fee for inquiry or request for information regarding disposition made of an ordinary or registered article:  P0.40.


NOTE.  The maximum indemnity payable for the total loss (envelope or wrapper and entire contents) of REGISTERED ARTICLES for delivery in any foreign country, including the United States and its possessions, is P16.33 for each article.


DELIVERY FEE.  A delivery fee of P0.10 shall be collected on delivery of each parcel post package and small packet from foreign countries, including the United States and its possessions, except those addressed to bureaus or offices of the national, provincial, city and municipal governments or to hospitals, charitable institutions or inmates thereof. Such delivery fee shall be collected on parcels of printed matter and other regular mail.


SPECIAL DEIVERY SERVICE  to the United States and its possessions.  Articles in the regular mails (not parcel-posts) may be accepted for transmission as special-delivery matter to the United States and its possessions. (See Adm. Order No. 19, series of 1947 and Unnumbered Circular, dated March 10, 1955.)


Special-delivery fee:  P0.40.


International Reply Coupons:  P0.30 each.



FOR DELIVERY IN SPAIN:  The rates of postage and other postal charges on surface mail for delivery in Spain are/the same as those charged on the domestic mail. (See Adm. Order No. 7, dated July 3, 1954.)




Limit of weight:  10 or 20 kilos, according to weight limit of domestic mail authorized for offices of mailing. (See Circular No. 10, series of 1950, and subsequent ones.)


Limit of Size:  Maximum length and girth, 6 feet; maximum length, 3% feet, except that parcels may be up to 4 feet in length on condition that parcels over 42 and not over 44 inches in length do not exceed 24 inches in girth; parcels over 44 and not over 46 inches in length do not exceed 20 inches in girth; and parcels over 46 inches and up, to 4 feet in length do not exceed 16 inches in girth.


Postage rate: P0.90 for the first half kilo and P0.45 for each additional half kilo or fraction thereof, plus terminal charge as follows: P0.60 on each parcel-post package weighing 5 kilos or less, and P1.20 on each package weighing over 5 kilos.




  1. Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (See Adm. Order No. 9, series of 1947, and Adm. Order No. 5, series of 1959.)


  1. Hong Kong. (See Circular No. 8, series of 1948, as amended by Circular No. 17, series of 1950, and Circular No. 9, series of 1954.)


  1. Australia. (See Circular No. 9, series of 1949, Circular No. 9, series of 1950, and Adm. Order No. 7, series of 1959.)


  1. Ireland (Eire). (See Adm. Order No. 9, series of 1959.)


  1. China (Taiwan). (See Circulars Nos. 12 and 15, series of 1958 and Adm. Order No. 4. series of 1959.)


  1. Switzerland.   (See Adm. Order No. 3, series of 1959.)


Countries mentioned in Circulars Nos. 5 and 25, series of 1948, Adm. Order No. 11, series of 1949, and Adm. Order No. 8, series of 1958, as amended by Adm. Orders Nos. 6, 8, and 10, series of 1959, and Circular No. 8, series of 1948, as amended by Circulars Nos. 17, 8, 15 and 1, dated June 29, 1950, June 7 and September 3, 1957, and January 23, 1958, respectively.


Parcel-post packages cannot be registered. Only articles in the regular mails (letters, post cards, printed matter, commercial papers, samples of merchandise, and small packets) may be registered, provided they do not exceed the limits of weight or size prescribed for such articles. If such limits are exceeded, the articles fall under the category of parcel-post packages and may not be registered.


Gift parcels may be sent to Japan and Germany. (See Adm. Order No. 12, series of 1947, Adm. Order No. 27, series of 1947, as amended by Adm. Order No. 13, series of 1959, and Press Bulletin, dated April 20, 1949.)


DOMESTIC MAIL and Surface Mail to Spain
First Class P0.06 for each 20 grams and fraction thereof
Postal Cards/Post Cards P0.03 each card
Second Class P0.04 No advertisements per kilo and fraction thereof
Second Class P0.06 With advertisements per half kilo and fraction thereof
Third Class P0.05 Per 60 grams and fraction thereof but not exceeding 600 grams
Third Class P0.25 Per half kilo or fraction thereof
Books/Reading Matter P0.10 Per half kilo or fraction thereof and not more than five kilos
Air Mail P0.30 Per 20 grams or fraction thereof (already includes postage charge)
Registration Fee P0.20 In addition to ordinary postage
Special Delivery P0.20 In addition to ordinary postage
Letters P0.25 First 20 grams or less
  P0.15 For each additional 20 grams or fraction thereof
Post Cards P0.15 each card
Reply-paid post cards P0.30 each card
Printed Matter P0.10 For first 50 grams or less
Second Class Printed Matter P0.05 For first 50 grams or less
(except Spain) P0.03 For each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof
Small Packets P0.10 for each 50 grams and fraction thereof, minimum of P0.50
Commercial Papers P0.10 For first 50 grams or less
Merchandise Samples P0.05 For each additional 50 grams or fraction thereof
    (Minimum of P0.25)
Registry Fee P0.30 In addition to ordinary postage
Registry Return Receipt P0.30 At time of mailing
  P0.40 After mailing
Delivery Fee P0.10 for delivery of parcel and small package from foreign countries
Special Delivery Service P0.40 to USA and its possessions
Parcel Post Packages P0.90 for the first half kilo
  P0.45 for each additional half kilo and fraction thereof
  P0.60 Terminal charge for each package weighing 5 kilos or less
  P1.20 Terminal charge for each package weighing over 5 kilos




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